Visit OCPA's New Webite at:

Why do I have so many pop-up ads?

Why am I'm having trouble with the display of the web-site?

How do I print a hard copy from the OCPA websites?

When/where is the next OCPA meeting?

How do I contact OCPA?

Why are email addresses not "Hot" or "Linked"?

Why do I have so many pop-up ads?

    Because OCPA is using the "free" web-hosting services from, the price to pay is advertising. We are using the "pop-up" type of ads rather than the "banner" type because of the "frames" in our web page design. This would mean a ad in each frame (right now, you would have 4 banner ads to scroll past).

    However, you can minimize the annoyance by keeping a pop-up ad active. Do not close the ad when it pops up, just minimize it (keeping it on your toolbar). As you navigate around the site, you will not get anymore pop-ups (note: some browsers will have the ad re-pop-up if a new window opens).

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Why am I'm having trouble with the display of the web-site?

    This website (as with all OCPA sites) is designed for use with Internet Explorer or Netscape (both version 4.0 or higher, 5.x is preferred), using "frames" (essentially, multiple pages displayed at once). It is also designed for monitors set at 800 x 600 pixels.

   All links on the opening page (index) will open a new browser window. When you are done with that section, all you need to do is close that particular window and you will return to this window. Also the links on that page are using something called a "hover button" (when you move your mouse pointer over a particular button, it should change color or do something) and when you click on it, you should navigate to that particular page. Just in case these do not work, we have provided traditional hyperlinks for each web page on the bottom of this and all pages.

   Most web pages on this site use "frames", meaning that the banner on top of the page and the column on the left (usually a table of contents with links to additional pages) will remain while the main page (on the right) will change as you navigate through that particular section of the website.

   We are asking you to bookmark (or make it one of your favorites, depending on your browser) the opening page (index) as it is the only page that has a "counter" on it, and it is the only way we have to tell how many visitors we have to the site. So even if all you are interested in is the 4Cs' Rules and Guidelines (for instance), please come to this page first. Thanks.

    The fonts currently used are True Type (designed for the PC): "Arial" (for the text body) and "Prose Antique" (headlines, banners, etc.). If you do not have these fonts available on your computer, you may see the pages displayed differently than designed. While "arial" is a common font, "prose antique" is not.

    If you would like the font  "prose antique" so this website will appear as designed, it is available for download on our Yahoo! Group site (, or you can contact us at (unfortunately, we do not currently have mac versions of this type available).

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How do I print a hard copy from the OCPA websites?

    Because this website is designed using "frames" (essentially, there are multiple pages shown on the screen at the same time - in this case there is a banner, and two navigation pages), your browser may not be able to print them correctly.

    The best way to generate a hard copy (print) the sections you want is to highlight the text then copy it and then paste it into your favorite word processing program.

    For graphics (this includes the newsletters form other 4Cs' clubs), right click on the graphic and then you can either save the picture to your computer and then open it in your favorite imaging program. Or you can copy it and then paste it into your favorite program (word processing or imaging).

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When/where is the next OCPA meeting?

    OCPA normally conducts two meetings a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays (6:30 pm). You can check our calendar on this site or the Yahoo! Club Calendar for exact dates.

    Currently, most of our meetings are held either in the Conference Room of the North Bend Medical Center in Coos Bay, Oregon or at the Newmark Center of Southwestern Oregon Community College. For more information, directions and meeting dates, see the "About OCPA" section.

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How do I contact OCPA?

    You can use the "Contact Us" located at the bottom of most of our web pages or you can email us at: 

    Or if you prefer, write to us at:
        PO Box 5646
        Charleston, OR  97420

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Why are email addresses not "Hot" or "Linked"?

    Email address shown on OCPA's websites are not "active", "linked" or "hot" (meaning that you can not click on the address and your email program automatically opens). This is done for our member's security. However you may run across that may have "nospam@" following the normal "@" symbol. This is done to help prevent web crawlers from finding address and selling them to spamers. Just remove the "nospam@" when you are emailing these people. 

    There are many programs out in cyberland that search websites for email address so those addresses may be added to spam mailing lists. By not "activating" or "hyperlinking" the addresses and using "nospam@" in the address, this helps minimize this possibility.

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Visit OCPA's New Webite at:

    If you have any questions not covered here, please use the "Contact Us" on the bottom navigation bar or email us at:

When you want to return to OCPA's Website Opening Page,
just close
this browser window

If you have reached this page using a search engine, you may not be seeing the entire thing as this site uses frames. Click here to reset the page.
|    About OCPA Reset    |

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Visit OCPA's New Webite at:

    This website is published by the OREGON COAST PHOTOGRAPHERS' ASSOCIATION, Inc. All articles, features, images and other material posted within do not necessarily reflect the views of OCPA’s Board of Directors, officers, membership, associated organizations or editors of this publication. Any/all brand, product or business names listed are copyrighted, trademarked and/or registered and are not necessarily endorsed by OCPA.
Reprinting / reposting of any article or web page, in whole or in part, from this site may be used in non-commercial photography club newsletters or web sites as long as the item is not specifically copyrighted and credit is given to the author and this web site as the source of the information. Any other type of reproduction may be done with specifically written permission only.
Inquiries about this publication may be made by directing them to the webmaster, c/o Oregon Coast Photographers’ Association, Inc., P.O. Box 5646, Charleston, OR 97420 or

Copyright © 2003 OREGON COAST PHOTOGRAPHERS' ASSOCIATION, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: 2.0
Revised: January 13, 2003