Columbia Council of Camera Clubs

Article I
    Election of Officers:

    Section 1. Fiscal year of the Council shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year. The meetings will generally be held in January, April, July and October, with nomination of officers in April, election in July and convention in October. Elected officers will begin their official year at the October meeting.

    Section 2. A nominating committee shall be appointed annually by the Chairman of the Council at or before the second quarter meeting. It shall consist of not less than three (3) members.

    Section 3. Election of officers shall be by means of written ballot to be prepared by the nominating committee and mailed to club representative's at least six (6) weeks prior of the election.

Article II
    Duties of Officers:

    The duties of the officers shall be the usual ones set forth in Roberts' Rules of Order and others as designated by amendments.

Article III
Terms of Officers:

    Term of office shall be one year and no officer except the secretary, treasurer, and bulletin editor may be elected to more than two consecutive terms.

Article IV
Vacancies in Office:

    In the event of a permanent vacancy in any office, the highest-ranking remaining officer (in the order named in the Constitution) shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee to select an officer for the vacancy for the remainder of the term.

Article V
    Executive Committee:

    Section 1. The Executive Committee at each meeting shall consist of the elected officers plus co~ chairmen and club representatives or their proxy.

    Section 2. The Executive Committee shall make plans and carry on the business and programming of the Council's activities.

    Section 3. A quorum shall consist of the Executive Committee present at the Council meeting.

    Section 4. Each member club may send its representative or proxy to serve on the Executive Committee, but each club is entitled to only one vote in the committees. Elected officers and committee chairman are nonvoting members of the Executive Committee.

Article VI
Standing Committees:

    Committee chairmen may be appointed by the chair as needed and shall include the following:

Article VII

    The annual dues shall be Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for each member club in the council with over 5 members. If a club has 5 members or less, dues will be $7.50. Club dues are payable by the first of the year, and delinquent after January 31.

Article VIII

    Section 1. Informative bulletins shall be prepared by the Editor and published and mailed to each member club at least 4 times per year, at intervals determined by the Executive Committee. Subscription price shall be $3.00 per year, due on January 1 to coincide with annual membership dues.

    Section 2. Calendars and announcements of camera club and other photographic activities may be authorized by the Chairman as needed and prepared by one or more committee chairmen for for distribution to camera clubs and their members.

Article IX

    The Council shall meet not less than four (4) times per year, at the call of the Chairman. Meetings will usually be held in the Portland area, but at least one meeting per year will be held outside the greater Portland area.

Article X
    Amendments to Bylaws:

    Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Committee but must be submitted to club representatives by mail in ballot form at least six (6) weeks before the ballots are counted and must receive a simple majority vote of the representation for ratification.

adopted July 18, 1998

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Copyright © 2002-03  Columbia Council of Camera Clubs & OREGON COAST PHOTOGRAPHERS' ASSOCIATION, Inc.   All rights reserved.
Version: 1.5
Revised: November 24, 2002