(Updated June 14, 2001)

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I) Club Purpose

The OCPA was formed with the purpose of:

A) Education to give each member opportunities to share his/her knowledge and ideas with the group.

B) Improving the quality of members' work by sharing, showing, critiquing, and judging.

C) To present to the public the beauty and artistic form of expression through photography.

D) To share our work with the public. It is also a means of encouraging interest in photography.

E) Fellowship with others interested in photography.

II) Voting Membership. The primary purpose for charging membership fees is to defray the cost of promotion of activities and operating expenses, and publication and distribution of the newsletter. Dues cover a twelve-month period payable at each member’s annual anniversary. If dues are delinquent more than two months membership is terminated. As a reminder to members the anniversary date is included on labels of the newsletter.

A) Individual:

1) Annual cost is $15.00 per year or in kind services as determined by the board.

2) One person.

3) Have full voting rights.

4) One printed newsletter per month.

5) Can participate in any club-sponsored contest, competition, or function.

B) Family:

1) Annual cost is $22.50 per year or in kind services as determined by the board.

2) Up to 2 adults and any children age 17 and under, in the household (same address.)

3) Two votes per family membership.

4) One printed newsletter per month.

5) Can participate in any club-sponsored contest, competition, or function.

III) Non-voting membership

A) Corporate/Sponsor Membership: Business or individual who gives in kind services or gifts to the OCPA will (at the discretion of the board) be rewarded with a corporate membership.

1) One printed newsletter per month.

2) Will receive mention in at least one newsletter.

3) Do not have voting rights.

4) Not subject to any other rights of membership.

5) Board may renew annually.

B) Honoris Membership:

1) Will be awarded (at the discretion of the board) for the duration of one year.

2) One printed newsletter per month.

3) Do not have voting rights.

4) Can participate in any club-sponsored contest, competition or function.

IV) Newsletter subscriptions

A) Printed Newsletter

1) Cost $12.00 per year/or exchange one-for-one with other camera club.

2) Do not have voting rights.

3) Not subject to any other rights of membership.

B) Electronic Newsletter

1) Free one-year subscription.

2) Do not have voting rights.

3) Not subject to any other rights of membership.

V) Committees may be appointed by the President for management of such events as contests, public exhibitions, community and club activities as may be required by the by-laws or the on-going and special activities of the club.

A) Committees will by chaired by one member appointed by the President.

B) Committees shall conform to the By-Laws and Policies and Procedures of the Club and perform in accordance with all written and oral instructions relating to their respective areas of responsibility or interest.

C) The Chair shall keep the President and/or Board informed of routine and significant progress and any problems or obstacles encountered in the conduct of its business. A report shall be given to the Board at least 60 days prior to any event/activity for which the committee was formed.

D) Committees will be encouraged to perform to the full extent of their authority but will be expected to consult with the President or the Board of Directors on matters that are reasonably uncertain or that may raise controversy requiring Board consideration. Except as provided by written authority, Committees shall not contract with the public without Board approval.

E) Committees shall make timely recommendations for changes in their operating rules or guidelines.

F) Committees shall expend club funds only as specifically authorized by the Board.

G) Standing committees shall serve until replaced or dissolved by the President; special committees shall be dissolved automatically upon completion of their respective activity or assignments.

VI) Member Contests/Competitions

A) The OCPA will hold a minimum of four internal photo competitions per year.

VII) Sales/Shows

A) Each member participating is responsible for a portion of the work time and should be present during "meet the photographer" hours.

B) All work will meet the established criteria for the individual show.

C) 10% of all sale proceeds go to the OCPA. Any proposed changes to fees will be voted on by the general membership.

VIII) Meetings

A) General meetings are held the first Monday of each month (providing that is not a holiday) and start at 6:30 P.M.

B) Additional meetings are normally held the third Monday of each month. May include such activities as members' only photographic competitions or an in-depth discussion/workshop.

C) Business/board meetings will be called as needed and are open to all interested members.

D) Agenda topics, other than photographic, must be presented to the board of directors for approval prior to presentation at membership meetings.

IX) No members will commit/obligate the membership, or use the OCPA name for any purpose without first presenting information to the board of directors for approval.

X) Any activity that infringes on the copyrights of members shall not be permitted.

XI) Member’s personal information shall not be disclosed unless that member gives consent.

XII) All policies and procedures will be announced at a general membership meeting, published and available for distribution to all OCPA members.

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Copyright © 2002-03 OREGON COAST PHOTOGRAPHERS' ASSOCIATION, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: 2.0
Revised: November 25, 2002